A Davies Roberts, brit feltaláló által alapított Flare Audio az utóbbi öt évet azzal töltötte, hogy újra feltalálta a hangszórót és a közben emiatt magasztalásokat kapott olyan kiemelkedő zenei hírességektől, mint Jimmy Page a Led Zeppelinből, Jarvis Cocker, Richard Hawley, Bella Sarris és ‘Flood’ producere.

A mi nagy innovációnk és küldetésünk, hogy minimalizáljuk az összes lehetséges torzítást az audió eszközeinkből.

From our experience in the live music industry we have learned and understood what was going wrong with the traditional approach used to create loudspeakers and headphones, and have developed patent pending technology to create pure audio in any sound-producing device.

All Flare products are built with the principle of Waveform Integrity: the signal that goes in is precisely replicated by the sound wave that comes out.

This uncorrupted sound retains all of its definition; it couples more efficiently, disperses evenly, enables maximum throw and is more controllable.

Our product line is centred on three patent-pending technologies: Space™ enclosure construction technology, Vortex™ pressure abatement technology and Nanoflow™ driver alignment technology.

„Natural sound has asymmetry differences; vocals and brass instruments are habitually asymmetrical, whereas most wooden instruments produce symmetrical waveforms. If a speaker is to produce accurate sound, then it must be capable of re-creating accurate waveform balance.”

Davies Roberts

Founder, Flare Audio